Amish Macaroni Salad Recipe

We have researched and compiled the best ingredients and techniques to create the best Macaroni Salad Recipe. There are quite…


Pennsylvania Dutch Ham Loaf Recipe

My Pennsylvania Dutch Ham Loaf recipe has been created out of both necessity and love! There are many variations of…


Mushroom Hunting and Picking Wild Mushrooms

Mushroom hunting and picking wild mushrooms is a fun and rewarding activity. However, for a beginner, getting started comes with…


Beet Chips and Refrigerator Pickled Beets

Beets are in season! If beets are planted from seed at the same time, they are all harvested at once.…


Pennsylvania Dutch Pickled Red Beet Eggs

I want to explore the world of pickled beets, eggs, the combination of pickled eggs and beets, and the PA…


Dried Oregano In The Dehydrator

Dried oregano is a staple in any kitchen. I like dried oregano on pizza. Dried oregano is also great for…


A Cabbage Crusher Goes By Many Names

There are so many names for this sauerkraut tool! Whether called a Cabbage Crusher, Sauerkraut Stomper, Sauerkraut Tamper, Sauerkraut Pounder,…


Easy Apple Crisp Recipe… a traditional autumnal dessert!

I was traveling the ‘back roads’ of central PA and happened upon a farm produce stand. At eight for $1.00,…

Lindy Kline

Tin can baking and stoneware crock comparison

I never thought I would be doing any tin can baking. However, my neighbor had a table set up on…

Lindy Kline

How To Cook Hard Boiled Eggs

An essential skill in the kitchen is being able to properly prepare hard boiled eggs. Over the years I have…
